
作为可以买滚球的正规平台人,我们致力于一生的学习. 我们的学习机会涉及各种科目和成本,包括我们的 他将于2025年前往希腊! 

回顾下面列出的机会. 如果您有任何疑问,请正规买球平台有哪些的办公室. 

希腊2025 -校友 & 朋友旅行


可以买滚球的正规平台人一起踏上难忘的希腊之旅. 发现丰富的挂毯希腊的历史,文化,和惊人的景观. 沉浸在希腊文明的考古奇迹中. Explore the hallowed grounds of the Ancient Athens Agora and ascend to the majestic Acropolis, 那里的帕台农神庙是人类智慧的永恒见证. Delve deeper into Greece's historical legacy with visits to Meteora's mystical monasteries and the sacred site of Delphi, before winding your way through 风景如画的 towns continuing with the ancient wonders of Epidaurus and 哥林多. Along the way delight in the tastes of the delicious Mediterranean cuisine and sights of the blue Aegean. Come embrace our Ambrosian value of life-long learning in the enchanting land of Greece. 我们期待着你的到来.


$5,895-$5,995 estimated per person from Chicago O'Hare (based on a minimum group size of 27)
Land-only Registration (program cost without airfare) - available on request at time of official registration
单人房附加费- $995(供应有限)


• Round-trip group economy class airfare from Chicago O'Hare to Athens (flight schedule is not confirmed
•从圣路易斯市出发的往返汽车接送. 可以买滚球的正规平台到芝加哥奥黑尔机场.
• 9 nights of accommodations in 4-star hotels as described in itinerary and in shared room occupancy.
Single room accommodations limited with availability on request at a supplemental cost.
•特别参观包括Pefkis Icon工作室和Skouras酒厂.
• Basic travel insurance for trip delay, baggage delay, medical evacuation and accident and sickness
medical expense (does not include trip cancellation or pre-existing medical conditions coverage).
Carrousel Travel can assist with additional travel insurance at the time of registration.


本次旅行由Carrousel travel的专业导游Eleni Premeti带领.  安妮·甘纳威,高级副总裁,还有 Dr. 伊桑Gannaway我将和这群可以买滚球的正规平台人一起旅行.  这三人带来了令人兴奋的专业知识组合,将融合信仰, 文化, 教育, 还有深层次的问题.

Greek professional tour manager Eleni Premeti will travel with the group continuously throughout the journey. She'll share her knowledge of Greece history and 文化 and assist travelers throughout.  Dr. Gannaway is a full adjunct faculty in the history department and the co-director of the Academy for the Study of Saint Ambrose of Milan.  他教希腊历史和古典神话, 和拉丁语一起, 罗马历史和早期基督教-中世纪历史.

一个沉浸式的旅行,吸引所有的兴趣. Spend time with your guides closely exploring and experiencing majestic monuments and unforgettable landscapes. 与住宿, 机票和一些餐费已包含在机票费用中, 您将通过新的和令人兴奋的体验完全沉浸在希腊丰富的文化中.

在雅典, 你会在阿格拉博物馆闲逛, 登上卫城, 在海边停下来,品味埃伊纳岛的壮丽景色. 向北前往卡兰巴卡,参观迈泰奥拉的突出悬崖. 然后向南移动到德尔菲,宇宙的中心. 在纳夫普利翁美丽的城市里进行一次清新的航行,结束你的旅行, 哥林多, 和Rafina.  请参阅下面的详细行程标签了解更多信息.

We welcome Ambrosians (both alumni and friends) to join thisexperience majestic sights and compelling stories. This trip is great for first time travelers with lots of direction and guided group tours.  请注意,有步行和移动要求.  参与者需要每天步行4英里.  如果您想了解更多有关这些要求的信息,请联系校友@910107.com.

拥抱正规买球平台有哪些可以买滚球的正规平台价值观! 这次探险将激活和滋养思想,身体和精神.

您可以通过电子邮件alumni@sau加入兴趣列表.你也可以通过提交一份 初始参与费.  有关详细信息,请参见Next Steps选项卡.


详细的行程安排如下.  如果您想要此传单的PDF格式,请联系校友办公室校友@sau.Edu或563/333-6290.

第一天:3月14日,星期五 -达文波特/芝加哥出发. 提供巴士接送服务. 从可以买滚球的正规平台到芝加哥奥黑尔机场. 在芝加哥奥黑尔机场售票处集合办理团体登机手续, 在Carrousel旅行社代表的协助下. 乘夜间航班(待定)前往雅典, 中途停了下来,换了飞机. (inflight meals) Note: Group flights in economy class are currently estimated and will be booked in May 2024.

第二天:3月15日星期六-抵达雅典. 你的希腊旅游经理, Eleni Premeti, will welcome you at Athens 国际 Airport as you transfer by private motorcoach into the city. Arrive at Amalia Hotel or (similar) for a four­ night stay, located in the heart of Athens. Gather in late afternoon/early evening at the hotel for a hosted Welcome Orientation Reception followed by a group dinner (6:30 p.m.)在步行距离内的一家当地餐馆. (D)
Note: Participants who arrange their own flights can take the group transfer from the airport to the hotel if arrival times are similar or take a taxi on their own to the hotel.

第三天:3月16日星期日-雅典. Your discovery of Athens begins today with a guided tour of the Ancient Agora of Athens archeological site, 包括阿格拉博物馆. 在古典希腊,集市是政治和商业生活的中心. 集体午餐后, 下午徒步游览雅典,包括宪法广场, Ermou街, 中心市场, Monastiraki广场和跳蚤市场, 普拉卡, 和大都会东正教大教堂. 晚上自由享用晚餐. (B,L}

第四天:3月17日,星期一,雅典. 在导游的带领下步行游览著名的雅典卫城,开始新的一天, 包括帕台农神庙和阿略帕古神庙, 也被称为火星山, 使徒保罗对雅典人说话的地方. 午饭后在普拉卡独自一人, 下午在导游的带领下参观雅典卫城博物馆. 享受剩下的白天和晚上的晚餐自己. (B)

第五天:3月18日星期二-雅典(埃伊纳岛). 今天探索希腊的埃伊纳岛. 私人汽车从雅典比雷埃夫斯港转移到渡轮. 埃伊纳岛有许多考古遗址, 风景如画的村庄, 美丽的海滩和古色古香的海滨小镇. 参观阿菲亚神庙和阿吉奥斯·涅克塔里奥斯修道院. 下午免费午餐,可自行独立探索. 傍晚乘渡轮返回比雷埃夫斯, 然后继续前往酒店,晚上和晚餐自理. (B)

第六天:3月19日星期三-雅典/卡兰巴卡. 乘坐私人长途汽车从雅典出发,向北行驶至迈泰奥拉(5).5小时). 在风景秀丽的特里坎拉小镇自己停下来吃午餐. Enjoy time at the Pefkis Icon Studio located just outside Kalambaka before checking in to Divani Meteora Hotel with dinner at the hotel. (B,D)

第七天:3月20日星期四- Kalambaka/Delphi. Spend the morning in the incredible landscape of Meteora with its amazing rock-top monasteries. 从17世纪开始,孤独的僧侣们住在迈泰奥拉的洞穴里. 到了14世纪, the monks built peaceful havens on top of the jutting pinnacles and cliffs for protection from the incursions as Byzantine power was waning. 参观今天对游客开放的两座修道院. 继续前往德尔菲镇(3).5小时的开车}, 是古希腊和古罗马宗教的重要地点, 尤其是围绕阿波罗神的传统. 晚餐在当地的餐厅过夜留在阿玛莉亚酒店德尔菲. (B,D)

第八天:3月21日星期五-德尔福/纳夫普利翁. 今天早上, 探索德尔斐的考古遗址, the place believed to be the center of the universe and religious world in ancient Greece. Step back in time and consider the political and cultural significance of Greek religion while walking the Sacred Way to the Temple of Apollo and viewing the artifacts in the Delphi Museum. 继续驱动器(3).5-hour drive) to Nafplion, crossing into the Peloponnese over the impressive bridge of Rio Antirio. 继续去纳夫普利翁, 一个迷人的, 风景如画的, 充满活力的海滨小镇,有雄伟的城堡, 令人印象深刻的教堂, 还有迷人的博物馆. Check in at Hotel Grande Bretagne Nafplion for a two-night stay with dinner on your own. (B,L}

第9天:3月22日星期六-纳夫普利翁(迈锡尼) & 埃皮达鲁斯). Depart for a short drive (30-min) to tour the archaeological sites of Mycenae and Epidaurus. 午餐在斯库拉斯酒庄品尝葡萄酒. Return to Nafplion with the remainder of the afternoon and evening for personal exploration and shopping. (B,L}

第10天:3月23日周日-纳夫普利翁/科林斯/拉菲纳. 从纳夫普利翁出发(1小时车程), and stop at Acrocorinth for a view from its fortress overlooking the ancient city of 哥林多. 继续前往科林斯, the largest and richest city of Greece in the 3rd century BC and made famous by Apostle Paul's letters to the 哥林多ians. 参观发掘的城市,包括集市, 多利克风格的阿波罗神庙, the fountain of Pirene and the Berna of Apostle Paul where tradition states he was arraigned before the Roman governor Gallo. 参观古科林斯考古博物馆. 在科林斯的一家当地餐厅共进午餐,俯瞰考古遗址. 驾车穿过科林斯运河,继续前往拉菲纳(Rafina).5小时). 入住雅典机场附近的Avra酒店. 在拉菲纳当地的一家餐馆,为一个特别的告别集体晚餐梳洗一番. (B,D)

第11天:3月24日星期一-雅典/芝加哥/达文波特. 在酒店用完早餐后,换乘
{20 minutes) to the Athens 国际 Airport for departure to Chicago with stop and change of aircraft en route. 抵达芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场后, 办完海关手续,然后等待大巴前往圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台. {B,飞行中的膳食)

The itinerary is subject to change due to confirmation, local scheduling and conditions. 希腊三月的日出大约是早上6:45分.m. 日落大约是下午6:30.m. 大多数日子将在早上8点或8点半开始.m. 下午5点或5点半返回酒店.m.  包括的膳食:B=早餐,L=午餐,D=晚餐


Official registration with Carrousel Travel will open in May (exact date to be announced later), 航班确认后.  正式注册的优先次序如下:

  • 那些提供100美元参与费的人-把你的参与费, 请按此.  支票也可以寄到以下地址.
    • 此费用不予退还,并将适用于旅游费用.
  • Those on the interest list - to join the interest list at no cost, please email 校友@910107.com. 
  • 一般校友(如名额允许)

请通过邮箱校友@sau与南澳大学发展与校友办公室联系.或563/333-6290索取PDF版旅游手册或有任何问题.  除了, 办公室可以提供有关注册时间表的更多细节, 补充保险, 机票升级, 等. 


St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


你准备好重新联系你的母校了吗? 圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 校友 Office has so many ways to stay involved, no matter where you are in life. 今天就成为一名积极参与的校友!